In an incredible turn of events, a seven-year-old boy, kidnapped over 30 years ago from Ghaziabad near Delhi, has been reunited with his family. The man, now 37-year-old Raju, shared the heart-wrenching story of his abduction and the years of captivity he endured.
Raju was just a young boy when he was abducted on September 8, 1993, while walking home from school with his sister. Despite a police report being filed immediately after his disappearance, Raju’s whereabouts remained unknown, and the case went cold for decades.
After his kidnapping, Raju was taken to Rajasthan, where the abductors sold him to a herder. For the next 30 years, Raju lived a life of absolute captivity. He spent his days tending to sheep and goats, with little to no contact with the outside world. Chained at night to prevent escape, his only food often consisted of a piece of bread and a few cups of tea.
After years of enduring hardship, Raju finally managed to escape from his captors. Boarding a truck bound for Delhi, he embarked on a journey that would bring him back to his roots. Though he recognized Delhi, the memories of his childhood were clouded, and he could not recall his parents’ names or the exact location where he had lived.
Five days ago, Raju visited the Khoda Police Station in Ghaziabad, where he was warmly welcomed by officers who took immediate action. The police ensured he had food, water, and proper footwear and began the search to reunite him with his family. Media and social media platforms were used to share his information, and soon, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.
Through the media outreach, Raju’s family was located, and after more than three decades, the long-awaited reunion became a reality. The family’s joy was immeasurable as their lost child was finally home.
Raju’s story is a miracle of survival and perseverance, a testament to the power of hope and the unwavering efforts of those who never gave up on finding him.
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